Alhamdulillah, my second day at Kuala Lumpur in this trip began with an excitement of bowling. I have been waiting for so long to bowl together with friends such as Azizan, Abdul Azim Aizat a.k.a. West. Furthermore, another friend from the same university could join us three in the 3 ways-match courses, Linziana a.k.a. Lynzi. Ha ha ha.
The triple-threat match began as Azizan teamed up with West as they are coursemate. Me and Lynzi represented our own course. Hu hu hu. The game started with the first frame by my throw:
Alhamdulillah, after we had finished bowling, we headed to the Sushi King Restaurant. Although West was in the opposition because he claimed that he never taste sushi before, we managed to have him together with us for the lunch.
Sigh, the service and their alertness of the Sushi King Staff was a bit lacking that afternoon. The table that we sat were cleaned late. Please, if you are a manager from any fast food restaurants, do take note upon the customers' welfare and the restaurants' cleanliness.
Well, West admitted that he never had sushi before, so we tricked him a few times so that he would try it. Althought he knew that we were bluffing him, he is very sporting to give a few tries out. Here are some of the pictures that we took when he tried to chew the sushi:
Lynzi was the first one started eating the sushi by choosing from the moving display. Well, big girl with big appetite. Her diet on rice was soon been hold as the moving displayed sushis were so very tempted and delicious. No one could deny on that day! Ha ha ha.
When my ordered arrived, the Sakana Black Pepper, West was interested to try as I spitted out that the main dish was a deep fried Dory Fish. Right after he tried out a bit of the fried dory's, he called for another Sakana Black Pepper. Our main target to have West to try at Sushi King succeeded and insyaAllah he will be craving for it more. He he he.
The full-face people at Sushi King Restaurant:
Then, me, West and Lynzi headed to the Pavilion Mall. Wow, it is like I imagined. It is a very high class place that I should not be there. Ha ha ha. I am not from that kind of class of a Pavilion shoppers and hanging-out people. He he he. Totally, like a deer entered a town or village.
Then, West brought me to J.Co Donuts and Coffee. Owh, now I realized that there lots of other brand of donuts besides Dunkin and Big-Apple. Hu hu hu. I am a Kampung Boy. Ha ha ha.
"It was really fun. Thank you Allah."
weh..byk aku nk comment nehh..nak list..ahaha
1.yeah..bowling aku no3!! akhirnye civil menang juaa..ahahah..gO civil!! gO Dr Macam!!.ekekeke..Dear Harith, tunggu aku kalahkan ko nnti..ehehe (berangan jek aku ni) Azizan..ko throw bola boling tuh..serrraammm aku...seb bek tak tercmpk kat aku..=p
3.Jahat la korang..hancuskan diet nasik aku!!..huaa..untuk umum: aku xmkan byk keyh~~..plate sushi tu..2bijik je satu pinggan,pastu kecik..xdela byk pOng!!..plate korang lg besarrr..jahat!!grrr
4. Yeahh..akhirnye En West mkn, sakana black pepper jek..(kantoi anda kelaparan),isk,penat aku pujuk makan sushi..xmo, nape unagi tu xtelan..isk..sedaplaa..bek bg aku..=p ..(xtahan tgk muke west makan unagi..ahaha..comey jekk..mke tpakse..kehekehkehh)
5. Arhshh..JcO donut la plak!!..isk..mmg xmakan la ak sminggu pasneh!! janji su diet balekk!!xpe,.harith nyer pasall..=p
hahaha..west dpt title baru..comey drp lynzi..hahaha
agak a..walaupun beberapa pinggan tp tetap champion antara kami berempat..congratss..hahaha x gtu wahai saksi2 lain? West? Azizan? hehe
19 January nnt jgn lupa ko kena ajak west..baru west nk bowl ngan makan sushi skali..hehehe
iskk..jahatla kO..unagi tuh mahal..ngn udang tuh..isk2..
cane nk ajak west..ak ajak de thru ko la hekk~~..ahahaha..kite suro de makan unagi kalini,xmo ckp de itu unagi..telan ckp =p
boleh aku syarat y best nya kalu ko y pujuk dia ngan suap dia skali..hahaha kan nice tu bunyi nye..kalu buat lagi tambah sweet..hahaha bleh masuk blog after that..hahaha
skali aku suapp kangg~~
tpkan.ak da pujuk die makan semlm, xberjaya laa..susah tol~ hiSh~
y susah tu y menarik perhatian..y lagi susah tu lagi memerlukan perhatian..amacam? paham? hahaha
saya tak pahammm
hahaha..maknanya..teruskan berusaha..! Chayok..2x hahaha
ahaha..kalo ko tolong..sure berhasilnyek!! =p
oppss..aku br pahsan..
yg pic west tuh..yg tgh men boling tuh..huRm "nak sepak bola ke tuh?..ada gaye jekk"..ekekkee =p
agak a..dia ada ckp..
west: "x p..asal gaya tu mesti ada"
panas nye aku dalam post nih ;]
banyak nye ngkorang ngumpat aku bile nak mintak maaf neh
terang2 kot..hehe
19 jan nnt west..lynzi nk berdebut ngan ko lg dlm bowling~
nantikan kemunculan Lynzi..=p
raye kang ak mtk ampun ekk..kumpul dlu..kiHkihKih
dengan lynzi sure aku menang~
kene lawan dengan ko lah harith
perli aku hekk~~
xpe2..kte tgk nnt~
(kne g training neh~)
chayok2 lynzi..west dh hantar surat cabaran y tersirat tu~ hehehe
huH~~itu r..mentang2 aku kalah 2kali..perli aku least, even da 2 3 tahun ak xpegang bowling, ak tetap leh strike..ahahaha..siap kalahkan azizan lg tuh~ =p
hahaha...azizan jd mangsa plak...hua hua hua
aku kene la up kan gak dirik sendirik~~
aja aja fighting :)
apsal komen ni korang 2 je.. aku punye gambor bkn main byk lagi.. tp korang je 2 yg komen
alaa...rajin2 la singgah ke blog ini n bagi komen jg..hehehe
p/s: jgn tinggalkan santau ataupun mana2 y tidak diingini..hihi
ahaha..dah kO xmo komen...=p
Civil ROck! =p
sempat promote civil lg tu..huhu
ahaha...oPkos~~Azizan yg stat dlu..ehe
gaga..nk buat cam ne..diakan suka provokasi..mana kan tidak aku naik bersemangat cam skang..hua hua hua ^^
go go go..good there a "good" provocation? haha
where is this place? do i familiar with it? i just knew we can also have jco in malaysia. hehe.. nampak sangat tak berjalan kat mesia.. huhuhu
emm..rasanya x kot cik halaa..cik halaa jurus x tubik derak mano kn? hehehe
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