12 May 2008

BBQ and 60

Oh My . . .

Barbecue is a quality time to be spent with friends and furthermore with your family. My last BBQ would be on 25 April 2008. Yum yum yum, it was really nice although just small one. He he he.
Mr. 6230i + Mr. Burn Prawn + The Toasted Squid Family

One week before the BBQ, I weighted myself and it was around 59kilograms. Wow~! It was a success. Less by 2kilos. I was very H . A . P . P . Y .(^_^).

"Say hello to the Clamp Brothers"

That night, I ate quite a lot. Seafoods and barbecued chickens. Barbecued beefs? Well, I was not in the mood to eat beef on that night. But I was really glad that I could enjoy the seafood parts. He he he. On the following week, I gained another 1kilos, summed up to a lucky number of 60 :D

Friends, when will be our barbecue?

I am looking forward to our BBQ. Last one before we graduate.


moroka said...

jom BBQ. kita makan2. :D

h a r i t h said...

balik a dulu..nt kito arrange buat kat v5 skali lg..ramai2 k..batch kite j k..hehee

iLLy said...

lurveee BBQs. nasib la budak2 ni suke buat BBQ... sebelum exam mesti ade sekali.. kalau tak BBQ... mencekik dimane2 kedai.