04 July 2009

Missing Episode 27 - At Tok Ma's House

Assalamu'alaikum w.r.t.w.b.t. and good day~

Well, it has been sometimes from my last post. I really wanted to update my blog everyday, but for the past one month unemployed I hibernated from updating my blog. I felt very sleepy when I am in my room. Too much syaitans [devils] in my room perhaps. ^^ what can I say, they live just next to my room. Ha ha ha.

Here I would like to share few photos which I took when I last visited my Tok Ma's house. 3 things on Tok Ma's cactus which cached my eyes: A snail, orchid plants and a flower. Lucky! Alhamdulillah, now I am convinced that cactus also blooms flower. ^^

Cactus Flower

Orchid plants on cactus

Amazing will power of a snail

Thank you my readers. Don't forget to leave comment(s).

"What goes around, comes around"


Anonymous said...

ingatkan kalo unemployed patutnyer lagi banyak update blog.. ehehe, salammm akak okid teww

h a r i t h said...

nk buat cam ne..unemployed nye kat luar..tp duk umah..x ckup kakitangan..employed already at home: driver, guard house, gardener, maid..butler..baby sitter..byk plak jawatan y disandang..ngalahkn CEO PETRONAS kot..haha