16 May 2010

To Bowl Or Not To Bowl

Assalamu'alaikum w.r.t.w.b.t. and Good Day To ALL~

Alhamdulillah, after 1 month of ambo's birthday, ambo bought a set of to bowl as ambo's birthday present. Ambo is not a pro-bowler but enjoy to bowl. Once, it was ambo's hobby during middle school. But happened to hold when in university as the bowling center was far from campus.

This year ambo's resolved one thing that ambo have longed enough, a set of ambo own bowl:

MAXIM (9lb)

Shoe (6)

Accessory #1

Later after the purchase, ambo registered to become a member of Ampang SUPERBOWL club. Later, ambo can bring to friends to enjoy the privilege together. Alhamdulillah ambo can bowl again with ambo's owned bowling ball and shoes. ^^

'Let's bowl'


s h a said...

uit harith...ringan nyew bola kaw...hehe...btw...kite satu group...so...chaiyouk2 untuk selasa depan k...


nurul farhana yanti a.ghani said...

xsgke udah bli bola itu..
hrp2 bli ak main gne bola ko xkn msuk longkang hahahaha~

h a r i t h said...

ecah: ada lg y lg ringan..6.2lb..ingatkn nk maik y tu..tp kaler xlawa..y 10lb..kaler pn xlawa..so amik y merah tu :D

yanti: jom g men..ptang ni ada nk g men..ikut x?